Testimoni Alumni Politeknik NSC

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Testimoni Mahasiswa Politeknik NSC

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Python: Parameters and default values

Serendipitous Design

Functions like print and range have a varying number of arguments.

>>> help(print)
Help on built-in function print in module builtins:

    print(value, ..., sep=' ', end='\n', file=sys.stdout)

    Prints the values to a steam, or to sys.stdout be default.
    Optional keyword arguments:
    file: a file-like object (Stream); defaults to the current sys.stdout.
    sep: string inserted between values, default a space.
    end: string appended after the last value, default a newline.


The arguments of the print function are:

the value(s) to be printed

sep = ‘ ‘ –> defaults to a space between different arguments

end=’\n’ –> after the last argument is printed, a new line is started

file –>specifies where to print

The sep , end and file arguments are default parameter values that are executed without a specific value passed in. To change the value for one of these arguments, add the keyword and the desired characters after…

View original post 21 more words

Smartphones evolving from flat to flex with new shapeshifting prototypes


The mobile devices of tomorrow will be shapeshifters, and experimentation in the design space will make them a reality, according to Anne Roudaut. She’s a computer scientist at the University of Bristol who, along with U.K. and German colleagues, is unveiling flexible touchscreen prototypes at CHI2013 on Monday. The devices they’ve built incorporate smart materials and can morph into different shapes, hence the name “Morphees.”

Static touchscreens can be compared on dimensions like pixel density, screen size, or refresh rate, but no such vocabulary exists for shape-changing devices, Roudaut said. One of the goals of the Morphees project was to create metrics to describe flexible devices and their ability to change shape. Having these “shape resolution” descriptors will help the construction of devices to fit the services they are designed to support. Roudaut cites the example of a stress ball: downloading the app would cause the device to collapse into…

View original post 281 more words

Lowongan Starbucks Coffee Company



  • Pria / Wanita
  • Umur max 24 Tahun
  • Lulusan S1 atau Diploma
  • Diutamakan bagi yang berpengalaman 1 (satu) tahun di cafe, hotel, restaurant, atau ritel
  • Mampu melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan baik
  • Bersedia bekerja shift dan dihari libur / akhir pekan


Starbucks Grand City Surabaya, Ground Floor
Jl. Walikota Mustajab Gubeng Surabaya

For more detail, please click Politeknik NSC

Lowongan Kondominium Graha Famili

Posisi: Receptionist


  • Perempuan & Laki-laki
  • D 1 Perhotelan / Pariwisata
  • 25 Tahun
  • Pengetahuan & Ketrampilan : Perhotelan, Customer Service
  • Pengalaman Kerja 0 s/d 1 Tahun
  • Bahasa Inggris Aktif


Basement Puri Regensi Kondominium Graha Famili Graha Famili Estate Surabaya-60226

For more detail, please click Politeknik NSC

Delapan Belas.

Miss Hazard Sign

*As I’m writing this post, I’m currently catching up on ep. 4 and 5 of Hannibal. So please do excuse my grammar errors if they seem to be much more of a bother then they usually are. 😉

On Wednesday (April 24th), I celebrated my 18th birthday as most of you probably know from my previous blog post. Due to the fact my birthday was on a “school” day I didn’t get to really celebrate it til Saturday, where I spent the day at my Grandmothers house, eating nasi tumpeng (tradition Indonesian meal/ picture will soon follow) and yummy cakes my Mum bought. On my Mothers side I am the first born out of 10 grandchildren from my Grandparent’s 3 daughters. So I guess you can say everyone was teary eyed seeing the first of this generation finally growing up. My sister sadly couldn’t make it yesterday due to play rehearsals (she’s a…

View original post 190 more words

Wonderville Launches An Interactive Content Library And Virtual Classroom Network For Kids

Lowongan PT Arta Boga Cemerlang

Posisi: Sales Data Analyst

Alamat: Jl. Panjang Jiwo No.48-50 Surabaya-60299


  • Pria / Wanita usia Maks.27 Tahun
  • S1 / D3 jurusan Teknik / Akuntansi / Statistika / Matematika, IPK min 3,00
  • Memiliki kemampuan analisis yang baik, pekerja keras, komunikatif, menyukai tantangan, dan mampu bekerja dengan deadline
  • Menguasai excel dan visual basic
  • Bersedia ditempatkan Surabaya / Malang

Segera Kirimkan Lamaran Anda ke :



EMAIL : artabogajatim@yahoo.com

For more detail, please click Politeknik NSC atau Huders NSC


Lowongan Karura Logistic

Posisi: Administrasi

Alamat: Jl. By Pass Krian KM. 27 Krian-61262


  1. Sanggup bekerja sendiri maupun didalam team
  2. Cekatan
  3. Tanggap
  4. Sopan
  5. Mau bekerja keras
  6. Teliti
  7. Tekun Jujur dan Bertanggung jawab
  8. Sanggup bekerja dalam target


For more detail, please click Politeknik NSC atau Huders NSC
